Thanks to our passion, commitment and results, we are able to compete with leading companies of every sector and type. It is not us saying it, but authoritative institutions that have rewarded us over time. This motivates us because it confirms not only the soundness of our strategy but also the work done every day and the contribution made by all the Group’s employees.
Explore the recognitions we have achieved.

AwardIndustria Felix
Milan, 12-12-2024
WIIT received the Budgetary Performance High Honor as part of the national award “Industria Felix – l’Italia che compete”, resulting among the best 15 companies in Italy for for management performance and financial reliability in the Innovative Services sector.
The th national edition was organized by Industria Felix Magazine in collaboration with Cerved, Università Luiss Guido Carli, Associazione culturale Industria Felix, with the patronage of Confindustria, with the media partnership of Il Sole 24 Ore, Askanews and Adnkronos, with the partnership of Banca Mediolanum, Mediolanum Private Banking, ELITE, Leyton Italia, M&L Consulting Group, Dalmine Logistic Solutions, Musa formazione e lavoro.
AwardCloud Computing - Digital360 Awards
Milan, 27-09-2024
Cloud GPU – Cutting edge for Gaming and more wins the Cloud Computing Award at the Digital360 Awards 2024.
The project, implemented with and for Boosteroid, consists of a high-performance, scalable, and secure Cloud GPU platform based within Europe that strikes the right balance between performance and price.

RecognitionEcoVadis Bronze Medal
Milan, 23-09-2024
We are proud to announce that WIIT has been awarded a bronze medal by EcoVadis, one of the leading global independent assessment platforms for corporate sustainability.
This prestigious award covers a wide range of criteria, including environment, working conditions and human rights, ethics and responsible purchasing, and attests our ongoing commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility.
AwardSustainability - Digital360 Awards
Milan, 30-09-2023
ArtIFARM wins the Sustainability Special Award at the Digital360 Awards 2023.
Selected during the year by a jury of more than two hundred CIOs, the Artificial Intelligence in Farming project, a solution that uses Artificial Intelligence, IoT sensors and Open Data to make agriculture more efficient and sustainable, won the favour of the CIOs present at the final event of the eighth edition in Lazise for its impact on ESG issues.

AwardESG Identity
IGI Company 2023
Milan, 14-06-2023
We are proud receiving for the second time a recognition that shows how sustainability is a priority for us: the ESG Identity Label – IGI Company 2023. Not just an outcome mark, but an indicator of consistency, commitment and vision with respect to ESG issues.
The Label was earned through participation in the Integrated Governance Index 2023 and is being presented at the ESG Business Conference.
Milan, 30-09-2022
In the seventh edition of the Digital360 Awards, WIIT’s digital transformation project wins the CIOsumm.IT Special Award, selected by a jury of more than 200 CIOs from more than 350 entries and a shortlist of 47 finalists.
Solutions were evaluated on the basis of originality of ideas, concrete benefits and replicability of the model.
WIIT implemented for a German publishing company a new CMS (Content Management System) with flexible front-end by unifying the high number of content and reducing time-to-market. The solution is based on K8s technology, a containerized application orchestration and management system on a cluster of machines. An “as a Code” infrastructure consisting of about 50 containers and 40 virtual machines was created.

AwardBest Performance Award
Milan, 14-02-2022
With a score of 89/100, WIIT won the Best Performance Award in the “Best Performing Small Company” category assigned by SDA Bocconi School of Management.
This award specifically recognizes the ESG policy, undertaken since 2019, which is an integral part of WIIT mission.
AwardESG Industry Top Rated
Milan, 10-01-2022
As a result of the annual review conducted by Sustainalytics, an international rating company, WIIT has been included among the 50 best companies in the “Software and Services” industry.
The ESG Industry Top Rated is a confirmation of how social, environmental and governance issues are increasingly relevant and integrated into the management of the Group.

AwardIndustria Felix Lombardia
Milan, 25-11-2021
WIIT received the national award “Industria Felix – l’Italia che compete”, selected among the best companies with registered offices in the Lombardy Region in the Innovative Services sector.
The event was organized by Industria Felix Magazine in collaboration with Cerved, Università Luiss Guido Carli, Associazione culturale Industria Felix, with the patronage of Confindustria and Simest, with the media partnership of Il Sole 24 Ore and Askanews, with the institutional partnership of Regione Puglia, with the partnership of Banca Mediolanum, Mediolanum Private Banking, Grant Thornton, Sustainable Development, Egea Commerciale and Plus Innovation.
AwardEccellenza d'Impresa
Milan, 10-11-2021
In the “Rising Star” category, which rewards innovative SMEs with high potential, among more than 150 companies, the recognition went to the WIIT group.
The Group’s growth and development stem from our strategy of specialization in the management of critical platforms, which has led us to obtain multiple international certifications on process and security management. The range of services, technologies and tools is constantly innovating.