QualityHow to manage quality
A quality management system includes structure, processes, procedures, and resources. Such a system must, therefore, be coherent and harmonious, constantly improvable and it must automatically guarantee compliance with internal policies and current legislation. For this reason, WIIT uses RPA (Robotic Process Automation) technologies to reduce human errors, increase the level of precision and track all the activities in a timely manner, facilitating audit and regulatory compliance.

Quality ManagementThe WIIT offer
The WIIT platform integrates quality with other relevant company processes, such as protocol, active cycle, passive cycle, human resources, claims and custom processes. In this way, the cross-functional vision gives all organizations, even the most complex and distributed ones, end-to-end systemic control over Quality Management as a cross-functional activity with respect to any process.
ISO 9001 and beyond
The key issue in achieving quality is that, in order to be effective, it must not only enable certification standards, such as that recognized internationally by the ISO 9001 family, but it must also ensure that certification is an integral part of continuous process improvement across the board.
The Quality model of WIIT
Visibility and accessibility
of information according to individual roles
Visual representation
of all processes in all corporate functions
Data and analysis
of all processes at all levels
Access via mobile devices
for smart workers
with the Business Process Management platform
The advantages of WIIT QM
Quality Management, within the Business Process Management solution offered by WIIT, is a process that involves the entire organization, making it possible to identify clear responsibilities in the corporate ecosystem, in order to constantly improve and achieve the quality levels identified by the quality plan.
Why choose WIIT
In addition to satisfying the quality principles foreseen by the ISO 9001 standard, the Quality model implemented by WIIT integrates with any of the customer Enterprise Applications (ERP, SCM, CRM and E-Commerce) and manages to combine the needs of corporate collaboration with the design features of a BPM.
Explore the other Business Process Management applications
From order cycle activities to procurement, from claims management to human resources administration, to quality and the creation of customized processes, the WIIT BPM system covers all critical procedures of organizations. Explore the other areas of application.